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《我最爱的中华宝贝》第37集 金孟橙:莘庄钩针编结 小小“织女”心

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:45    点击次数:123

由中共上海市委对外宣传办公室、上海市文化和旅游局、上海广播电视台融媒体中心(SMG NEWS)联合发起,2023“爱上海的理由”青少年英语短视频征集展播活动以“我最爱的中华宝贝”为题,诚邀全球新生代用向上的风貌、良好的英语表达和创意的镜头语言展现青少年眼中具有当代价值和世界意义的中华优秀传统文化。在上海闵行区莘庄镇有一门老手艺,匠人们只用一根针、一根线就能创造出上千花样。在这一集里,让我们听听金孟橙同学的介绍,一起了解莘庄钩针编结技艺。   《我最爱的中华宝贝》第37集金孟橙:莘庄钩针编结 小小“织女”心 #青少年英语短视频优秀作品展播   金孟橙自述:   大家好,我是金孟橙。我的出生地上海闵行区莘庄镇有一门古老的手艺。   一百多年前,欧式抽纱编织法传入上海。本土的匠人们用传统钩针技艺对其进行改良后,创造出了更为丰富、立体的作品。莘庄的钩针匠人们只用一根针、一根线就可以变化出上千种花样。   到70年代末,莘庄有10万名织工,我的祖母就是其中之一。她的针织品远销海外,广受欢迎。   钩针入门并不难,但即使在高度机械化的今天,机器也无法取代匠人的巧思和创意。2022年,结合了莘庄钩针编结技艺的服饰亮相上海高定周,让更多的人有机会领略它独特的魅力。   美好的事物总能跨越时间,历久弥新。爱钩针编结,爱上海。   My Favorite ChineseTreasures EP37|Jin Mengcheng: Tracing Evolution of Hand Crochet in Xinzhuang #MyFavoriteChineseTreasures #MyFavoriteShanghaiSeason4 #shortvideoshowcase #vlog   Presentedby Jin Mengcheng   Hello everyone, I'm Jin Mengcheng. There's an old skill from my birthplace, Xinzhuang Town in Shanghai's Minhang District.   Over 100 years ago, the European drawnwork waving technique was introduced to Shanghai. The local craftsmen improved it with traditional crochet techniques, creating various and stereoscopic work.   The crocheting masters of Xinzhuang can produce thousands of patterns with only one needle and one yarn.   By the late 70s, Xinzhuang had a hundred thousand weavers, and my grandmother was one of them. Her crochet knits were sold abroad and enjoyed great popularity.   It's not hard to get started with crochet. But even with the advanced mechanization of today, machines still can't replace the ingenuity and creativity of craftsmen.   In 2022, clothing using Xinzhuang crochet knitting was shown at the Shanghai New Couture Week. It gave people the opportunity to enjoy its unique charm.   Beautiful things can always offer new attractions in different times.   Love crochet knitting, love Shanghai.